
To the most advanced form of interactive emotional intelligence, training developed.  Everything taught in our workshops is based on tried and tested techniques.  Would you rather have skills developed through operational testing or based on theory?  A healthier living through a balanced mental wellness in every aspect of our lives

Perspectives matter, in order to be an effective negotiator in any field, is the skill to understand and consider someone else’s perspective.

Emotional Intelligence is a key factor in not only understanding some else’s perspective rather it is also a key component in building empathy. Research has shown that those with higher EQ are better leaders, have an easier time managing peer to peer conflict resolution, adapt to quickly changing situations, are quick to build rapport, and are effective communicators. Emotional Intelligence LLC teaches workshops that are highly interactive and skill based to teach participants to have a higher empathetic state, understand the nuances of human emotions, understand and address underlying issues when managing personnel or emotions and teaching coping skills to manage stress and critical/crisis situations.


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Self Assessment Information

The primary purpose of this self-inventory is to assist individuals with their work/life balance and aid them in their mental well-being. Studies have shown for decades that people deal with stress to varying degrees and oftentimes have diminished coping skills to manage those stressors. The self-inventory I have created takes into consideration eleven different aspects of an individual's personality. The assessment analyzes the individuals stress coping skills, rapport building capabilities, ability to maintain and develop relationships, empathetic analysis, and more. The assessment then produces an in depth report based on the responses provided. This assessment develops a baseline for the individual as they continue their profession, the same assessment will identify any deviations or diminished skills that have changed as a result of personal or professional life.

I believe by giving this self-inventory to new employees as they begin their career, the assessment can provide a baseline for that individual. The assessment can then be given again every year thereafter to determine if the scores/skills have increased or diminished. The self-inventory is designed as a proactive measure to identify individuals who show a diminished set of skills to interact with their customers, supervisors or their peers. Given over time, the assessment shows if an individual's skills have changed. This self-inventory should not be used as a disciplinary tool, rather a tool to assist companies in providing targeted training, therefore improving their skills. Along with the assessment, I have also created training/workshops that focus on decision making and critical thinking skills. The training covers the eleven areas that are assessed in the self-inventory. The self-inventory will also assist the company with an increased confidence ensuring they are encouraging their employees to have an increased situational awareness and thereby being a greater asset within their profession and to the community.

Employee Emotional Intelligence Self-Inventory

The primary purpose of this self-inventory is to assist individuals with their work/life balance and aid them in their mental well-being. 

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Peace Officer Emotional Intelligence Self-Inventory

The primary purpose of this self-inventory is to assist individuals with their work/life balance and aid them in their mental well-being. 

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Service Member Emotional Intelligence Self-Inventory

The primary purpose of this self-inventory is to assist individuals with their work/life balance and aid them in their mental well-being. 

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Aug 01, 2021

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